Tooth whitening is the process of removing the outer colorings of the teeth by using chemical bleaching agents that do not cause any harm to the teeth.
Teeth whitening can be applied to anyone except the following situations;
Tooth whitening is not a permanent process because it is directly exposed to food and drinks consumed.
The teeth whitening process is performed during and during the follow-up of the doctor’s recommended period of time to stay away from coloring drinks (coffee, tea, smoking…); teeth whiteness will continue for a longer time. This colorant beverage-foods should not be consumed if possible or should be consumed as little as possible.
The teeth whitening process under the control of the dentist does not cause any damage to the enamel.During the course of teeth whitening and afterwards, the doctor’s recommendations must always be followed.
With the dental treatment services we offer you, we aim to have a healthy tooth structure, beautiful and shining smiles.
The patient photos published on our website have been approved by our patients and are published for informational purposes, not for competition.
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